Saturday, September 24, 2011


Thanks for the guest post by Jonathan Curtis

I spent last weekend with my family. It was the first time in several months that I’d been home, but I can say that nothing has changed. My parents still have the same routine on Friday nights. They come home from work, change clothes, and plant themselves on the couches in the family room for pretty much the remainder of the evening. These people watch anything and everything on their direc tv, and my mother always feels the need to fill me in on every minute detail of a show. Her favorites are what I (and most people) consider guilty pleasures. She loves all the reality shows (she definitely keeps up with the Kardashians) and is absolutely obsessed with anything related to The Girls Next Door or Chelsea Handler. When I was younger I found my mother’s interests strange and somewhat embarrassing. I remember thinking that my parent’s Friday night routine lacked vitality and vibrance. But now, after spending time in the working world myself, I am beginning to understand (and even appreciate) the simplicity these nights provide. They give me rest and feel like home.

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