My 2 year old daughter knows how to open our medicine cabinet now. She knows where we put her vitamins and medicines. She also knows that we put her orajel in our medicine cabinet. She is really smart! I saw her one time, she drag the little chair to our medicine cabinet and she try to reach those medicines. We put all the medicines on the top of the cabinet so that she can’t reach it. That helps a lot to make her safe, I don’t want her to get hurt. I need to keep an eye on her all the time and make it sure that our medicine cabinets is lock.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Journey for Life Changes...
As you can see here, I make a changes at Sarah's Layout. She choose the second design since the first one is way too simple :-) She likes the color at the second one than the first one. As for me, my clients satisfaction is important so hope she likes her new layout and she can enjoy blogging more as I do :-)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Blue turn to Purple...
Old Blue Layout
New Custom Purple Layout
I been using this blue layout for almost a year now. I think it’s time to make a change. I was thinking to make a purple custom layout with this blog. Purple is one of my favorite color and I think most people like purple. Purple is a pretty color and it fits perfectly in my blog designs. For now I want to say good bye to my blue layout and hello to my purple custom layout! Hope you all like my new layout! Keep visiting and happy blogging everyone!
blog makeover,
blogger layout,
custom layout,
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Winter Layout for my Blogging Journey
As you can see my Blogging Journey has a new look now. I changed the layout into winter red layout. You can visit my other blog by clicking the photo above. You can see the outcome of this layout and feel free to leave message. Thanks!
blogger layout,
custom layout,
Sarah New Layout...
This is new layout of my friend Sarah of She just ordered this layout today. She wanted to make it simple in the header and make the title big. This is what I came up since she likes the color light blue. I already installed the code and you can see the outcome of the layout when you visit her blog. Thanks again Sar, enjoy your new layout and hope you like it!
If you need blog makeover, just leave a message and we can talk about it. Thanks and happy blogging everyone!
blog makeover,
blogger layout,
Ellas New Layout
This is the layout I made for my friend Ella. Pink is one of her favorite color so I end up making her a pink custom layout. You can see the outcome of her layout by visiting her blog at or click the above photo to go directly in her blog world! Have a great day!
blogger layout,
custom layout,
Sunday, December 5, 2010
art decor
I am one of those people who love arts. Well, who doesn’t like arts? Art is a special talent that people can have. I been fascinated with arts since I was a kid. I do love sketching and drawing but I never had a chance to go to an art school to enhance my talent because we can’t afford it. But it doesn’t mean I will stop learning these things. Time will come when my kids will grow up, I might take an art school to enhance my talent, I need a professional help because I still don’t know how to mix colors and I never tried painting yet. Anyhow, if you love arts, offers art prints and custom framed art, all you have to do is follow their easy 3 step. They ship it to you fast and you can select the art décor you like. So what are you waiting for? Visit for more art décor selections!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Cocao and Dana
Dana love our dog Cocao. She is a Pitbull. She is really a sweety pie like Dana. Dana love to give her a hug and kiss and Cocao doesn't mind at all. Cocao listen to her when she say "Cocao sit down!. Pretty amazing when they start learning how to talk, she's really a talker and we love her so much! She's our little Princess! :-)
toys, toys and more toys!
There are too much toys that you can choose at the store and some of them are way too expensive and I don’t feel like buying those things for my kids. Good thing that Dustin only choose those cheap toys, he love hot wheels mini cars and it’s only a dollar. He already have hundreds of mini cars and he make a nice parking lot in his bedroom as well in the computer room on my sewing machine desk. Anyhow, we still shopping toys because its holiday and most of the stores are on sale. I still need to buy more toys to put in my forex box. I will send this next year to my family that way my niece and nephews can have new toys next year!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
top rated colon cleansing products
Colonetix is the number one top rated colon cleansing products on the market. I just find out at I never tried this product before but when I read the colon cleansing reviews about this product, it makes me want to try and get some. It said that colonetix is the most advanced colon cleansing formula in the market and look at the overall score, they rate it 9.9, the power and value are 10, seems very effective. My husband tried the colon cleansing before and he said it was awful because the taste doesn’t taste good but it works for him, after few months of taking colon cleansing, he decided to stop. I am not sure if he is still into colon cleansing but if he does I will absolutely recommend it to him. How about you? Want to try colon cleansing? Then visit to find out the top 3 rated colon cleansing products in the market today!
commercial pumps
Looking for a commercial pumps? Look no further because has all the pumps you need. They offer free shipping on all their pumps. You can shop pumps by their categories. It’s 100% manufactured in the USA. When it comes to pumps, is the website I will absolutely recommend. Hurry and get the commercial pumps you need. Find out their featured products at their website or call 888-817-8677.
Nice one...
Dustin was so sweet because he gave me yellow flower. Even though it's not a real flower but when he say "mommy flowers for you, I love you" and give me a kiss. It melts my heart when I hear him saying it. I like this picture, he is getting big! He is a grown up little boy now and Dana is a grown up little girl. Love you both!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
muscle builder
I heard that most women are attracted to those guys that has big muscle. I do love guys that has big muscle that’s why I fall in love with my husband right from the start when I met him. My husband is in good shape because he work out a lot before he met me. He took some muscle builder supplement to help him to have those muscle. It’s not easy to build muscle just like the one we saw at the muscle builder magazines. Their muscles are way too big and scary. I bet they spend so much time at the gym and took some body building supplements. Right now, it doesn’t matter if my husband lose those abs because for me, he is everything that I am looking for and I love him so much!
eye wrinkle cream
When you getting older, wrinkle in your eyes seems visible. You can’t hide it anymore unless you can find the best eye wrinkle cream to hide those unwanted wrinkles. You notice that most celebrities have pretty skin, they are wrinkles and acne free. Wish I could be like them that’s why I am starting to find eye wrinkle cream in case my wrinkles will come out because I am already 28 and 2 years more I will be 30! Wish my age will always be the same but it can’t!
5 days off
I'm glad that my husband take a 5 days off because of the holiday. We don't celebrate thanksgiving so we might end up driving at the Mesa to see a lot of snow this weekend. It's been a while we never go on a road trip because of my husband hectic schedule from work. This week will be the busiest day on all the store. Black Friday and Cyber Monday is people most awaited day because they can save tons of money. They can buy whatever they want for a very low price. So maybe we will do shopping too but we try not to spend so much this week.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Cyber Monday deals
If you can’t make it this coming Black Friday, then no worries because you still have a chance to get what you need and save this coming Cyber Monday. The Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals from are still there until next week so why not shop online at this coming Holidays and save up to 50-70% on all their items? I already recommend it to my friend since she’s planning to buy netbooks this coming December. Tell your friends this amazing deal from, they offer free shipping so hurry and start shopping now at!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
wii sports resort
I was talking about xbox on my other post and while looking for xbox games and accessories, I also look the prices of their wii sports resort new release at website. They have pretty good price on their pre-order wii. I am sure many of you own wii and I would love to have one someday but I am not sure if my husband will allow my son to play this since we don’t want our son to get addicted into this games. We are happy to see him playing his learning games online and he learn a lot with it. He enjoys it and at the same time he learn a lot of things from what he is playing.
The Doggies and Me
Here is the new photo of me and our doggies Thunder and Princess (both English Mastiff). Princess didn't mind me sitting on her back. Well, I am not that heavy and the picture is only takes a second. Thunder seems worried on Princess. He keep looking at me hehe :-)
Friday, November 12, 2010
sleep aids
I always think about my mom this past few days since my sister told me that either next month or next year of January, they will moved out with her husband and two kids in Panabo. I’m kind a worried because I know my mom is already old. Only my sister is the one could help her at the house specially that there are lot of kids in the house to taking care of. If they moved out then how can my mom handle all the problems alone? Wish I could be there for her but I am too far away and I am not sure if we could spend a week vacation next year. I couldn’t even sleep good at night so maybe I need a sleep aids to help me sleep. What you think? Hope everything will be okay.
questions that most people ask...
I never tried diet pills before because I don’t really have problem about my weight. I don’t need it at this moment but if ever I will gain weight, I will absolutely try one of the best diet pills in the market. But do you think are diet pills safe? This is the questions that most people ask especially if they are afraid to try one. Most of those diet pills are way too expensive. Good thing that prices exposed will expose those cheapest diet pills that really works. To find out the 2010 top rated diet pills, visit prices
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Pinky Layout for Eilleen
This is the new layout I made for Eilleen for her blog makeover. She likes pink, so I mixed light and dark pink. You can visit her blog title "Life" to see the outcome of the layout. If you like to over haul your blog, you can contact me and choose the blogger layout you like. You can either make it personal, custom and scrapbook designs. The blog makeover is very affordable. :-) Happy blogging everyone!
make a change...
I make a change to our living room, I add the red cover for the couch and will soon put the red curtain in the living room window. I saw some nice modern furniture online and would love to have one of those. The problem is we don’t have enough budget this year because we still have important bills to pay. So maybe next year if we have enough budget then we will surely buy a new furniture especially if we will get done building the patio.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
brake rotors
Having problem with the brakes? Maybe it need to replace your brake rotors, if you are looking for a brake expert online then you better check They have all kinds of brakes from brake pads, brake calipers, brake rotors, brake kits, brake lines or even brake bleeders. I am sure you will find what you need, they have all the brakes that you need. If you have any questions call this number 1-800-853-3599 or visit their website at
Getting silly...
Dana was being so silly at this photo. She keep laughing and showing me her tongue. She looks so cute! I'm glad I took this photo. We got a new cover in the couch and I love the color red because the rug in the living room is also red. :-)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
thermogenic fat burner
I know many women out there are desperately want to lose weight and want to burn those unwanted fat. Many are spending so much money just to get the weight goal they wanted. They spend so much time at the gym and try to be consistent on what they are doing. Sometimes it is frustrated and they feel so tired to keep those things over and over again. Well, maybe thermogenic fat burner will help you lose weight. If you visit their website today at, they can help you find the right fat burner that really works. Thermogenic fat burner is a powerful tool to assist in weight loss so visit their website and find out the most powerful fat burners available on the market today.
Accredited online degree
When me and my Filipino friends get together, we always talk about our kids, what is our plan in the future, etc. One of my friend plan to get an accredited online degree and some of them don’t have plan to go back to school anymore. I was thinking, maybe it’s good to have degree that way you can have a good life in the future. You can find a nice job that pays good and you can take good care of your kids, when they grow up they will have a good future too. Talking about online degree you can visit, they are the best place to earn an accredited online degree. It’s not too late yet so visit now and find out the top 3 accredited online degrees at the website I mentioned above.
Mommy and Dana moment
We are just relaxing and watching TV and Dana was really excited when I took the camera out. She's into it! and she look cutie at this photo especially the first one when she stick her tongue out. She's the one who give me this little chair, so that I can sit on it. Well, it fits but it was way too small for me hehe :-)
big toy car
Dustin is really fascinated with cars, he has hundreds of cars in the house and he make a parking lot in his bedroom and also in the computer room. Actually the table that I usually used to do my sewing thing, he put a lot of cars in it as his parking lot. So I transfer my sewing machine in the kitchen. Every time we go to the store to shop or just buy food in the super market, he always demand to get a hot wheels toy car and since the car he likes is not that expensive, so we let him get one or two cars to make him happy. He will be 5 next year and I think he is ready to ride a bike. We look prices at different store but they seems very expensive. I remember the Peg perego that our kids neighbor has. They have this kids battery powered electric ride and Dustin seems like it. I am not sure if he is big enough to ride those big toy car. They really look nice and I bet kids would love to ride those thing. So if your kids are ready to ride this big toy car, you can order it online at kids!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
get rid of blackheads
Blackheads are sometimes annoying. When you put make up on, it clogs the pores when you don’t clean it right away especially at night before you go to bed. Then in the morning when you woke up, you can see those blackheads in the tip of your nose or in the forehead. I know all women don’t like to have blackheads, having clear smooth skin is what we wanted. Good thing they have products to get rid of blackheads. To find out the top 5 ways to get rid of blackheads visit
Pick up the package
Yesterday, my husband has a doctor's appointment for his back. He took a day off and we went to the mall after. When we get home, I saw the mail notice outside the door, my packaged arrived already but we're not home that time. We missed it so I decided to go to the post office this morning to pick up my package since I have a post office notice that I can pick up the package any time on today's date. I got the package and I am so happy with it. That was the purple shirt I ordered from Here is the photo :-)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
read acne treatment reviews!
I been talking about acne in my last post and I admit that I have a bad acne before but right now, I am happy with my face because I am an acne free! I listened to my friends who told me to make my own research and read those acne treatment reviews before trying new acne treatment products. It helps me a lot to decide which one is the right for me. So if I were you, I also do the same, make your own research, read product reviews before you decide to buy the acne products that you want to try. It is very risky to try new things that you hardly know. Do it now and visit and I am sure you won’t regret it.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Sign up to win 10k to remodel your home!
Ready to improve your home? Then click the above photo and sign up for a chance to win of $10,000 to remodel your home! The next winner will be selected this coming October 29, 2010. Hurry and sign up now!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Cubic Zirconia Jewelry
I love Cubic Zirconia jewelry, actually I have one that I really like the most. I always wear it every time my husband and I go out with the kids. I got the high quality brand new hoops earrings With 4.00ctw Cubic Zirconia beautifully crafted in 14K/925 gold plated silver. It was very pretty! When I got it, I was thinking to get another one right away, so I ordered it online but this time I got the new necklace with 14.35ctw cubic zirconia. So if you like to shop cubic zirconia jewelry, you might like to visit They have great hot items selections and great deals! You better get yours now!
Kids are sick!
This week, the kids was sick. Dustin still have his runny nose and watery eyes. Dana is teething, she has another moolers coming out in her lower teeth. Seems like they both have colds, so I never got a chance to go to the library last Monday and today Thursday for story telling. Me and my friends have plan for tomorrow but I am not sure if I can make it. With this kids condition? I bet my husband won't let me go if the kids are not feeling well. I also don't want the my friends kids will get the colds that my kids has. Well, will see about tomorrow. I want to make it sure that Dustin and Dana are feel well before I decide to go out picnic with my friends. My husband don't have work tomorrow so I am not sure hehe :-)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
African Mango
Who doesn't love Mango? Mango is one of my favorite fruit but I love the Philippine Mango, for me they are the best. When I moved here in the United States, I can hardly find the Philippine Mango, I saw one that almost the same but its from Mexico. It taste okay but I still love the other one. Talking about Mango, did you know that African Mango will help you to lose weight and stabilize cholesterol levels? If you don't know then check this out! offer african mango and it claim that it will help you to burn substantially more fat without the side effects. To find out how this African Mango actually work visit
Friday, September 24, 2010
husband gift ideas
When was the last time I give my husband a special gift? My special gift is a homemade greeting card. Well, I don’t give him gifts because he is the one who give a gift on our special day. I just make a handmade card to our anniversary and he loves it, he really appreciate it when I make it by myself. I saw a wonderful husband gift ideas online and you can personalized the sweetest day gift for your husband and wife! Will see if I can find one that perfect for my husband.
Kids at the park photos
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This are the new photos of my kids Dustin and Dana together with their new friends 2 Jacob. The two little guy have the same name (Jacob) and they have the same birthday too :-) This is my Filipina friend here in Grand Junction, Arlyn and Elvie. It was nice going out with them today.
Go to the park...
My husband is working today and since it’s Friday, it’s nice to bring the kids at the park once in a while. My Filipina friend invited us to go to the park with their kids, we eat the buffet restaurant after and we went to the mall to let the kids play again. It was a great time and we are planning to do it again next week. Anyhow, while I’m driving to their village, I noticed that one of their neighbor already took their christmas yard decorations. I think it’s too early to do that. They seems very excited for that occasion. I just ignore them since we don’t do that every year. What you think? Do you think it’s too early to take all your christmas yard decoration and start putting it all together this month of September?
No connection...
No connection for one day is kind a different, I am not used to it. Yesterday, our connection is temporarily disconnect because we didn’t pay our internet connection for this month. I supposed we need to wait today, Friday because my husband will get his paycheck. I’m glad the connection is back that way I can talk with my sister tonight. My sister don’t have a job and it would be nice if she could come here with my mom that way I can find her a healthcare jobs here in Grand Junction area. But we can’t afford to sponsor them both to come here this time, maybe in some years from now. Will see…
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Dana in the swing!
I love taking the kids at the park. Dana loves the swing a lot, she keep laughing and she really enjoy it. This photo taken yesterday at the Eagle Rim Park here in Grand Junction. We attend baby shower from one of our friend in the congregation. It was really fun and it's nice to see my kids having fun too!
Just heard on TV and advertisement...
I always heard on TV about this male enhancement thing but we didn’t think about using it. I know most men are using this and I am aware of that. Since I am talking about male enhancement, I just want to share this website at because they rank the top 5 male enhancements on the web and they also offer a lower price. If you want to know more about their product then visit their website!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
weight goal
When my husband and I start to work out together at one of the popular Gym in Grand Junction area, I noticed that after work out, he bought this huge creatine powder, the BSN Cell Mass. He’s been using this powder for couple of months. I never taste it but he says it taste like natural drink with flavor in it. It helps him to build up muscle and it gives him more energy too. No wonder he got a nice muscle in his arms and legs. We stop going to the Gym for a while, I think it’s been almost a year that we didn’t visit the gym again but it’s nice if he start working out again that way he can get the weight goal he wanted.
Prily New Blog Layout
You can view it live now the layout that Mabelle purchased few days ago. She gave the layout for her friend Prily, owner of the Capturing the Moments Blog. Visit her blog now and show her some love! Have a great day!
top rated fat burners
Since I was talking about fat burners, here is another website that you might want to visit, There are many thing we need to learn about fat burner. First we need to make it sure that this fat burners are top rated and been reviewed to the consumers, have good consumer feedback, have safe ingredients and affordable. You don’t want to spend more just to lose weight don’t you? Well, most people does. They spend a lot of money just to get rid of those unwanted fat. You can’t blame them though, they want to look good and so do we right?
quickest working diet pills
Have you ever tried the 72 hour diet pill? When I heard about their website, I was kind a hesitate to visit because I even not sure what kind of diet pills they offer. But by reading 72 hour reviews at it makes me think maybe their product really works! Guess what? 72 hour diet pill is watchdog approved! You can burn fat as fast as 72 hours! You don’t have to spend a lot of money for fat burner pills because 72 hour diet pill is one of the least expensive, fastest and quickest working diet pills on the market. So you better tried and see if it works for you!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
New Scrapbook Blogger Layout
This are the 3 columns blogger layout I made for today. They are the Scrapbook Themes for this month. The first layout is Sold by Mabelle and she needs to choose another one either the blue or pink blogger layout. If your interested to overhull your blog, please let me know and feel free to leave message. My blog design are very affordable for $20. Thanks and happy blogging!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Xerox Phaser...
Have you visit concord supplies website? They offer a wide variety of Ink and Toner, Office supplies, furniture, technology and more. They been in the news too! You can also stop and save up to 65% with compatibles and Since we ran out of ink in our printer, I supposed we can get it online or else we need to go to the ink refill in downtown. If you are looking for a Xerox Phaser, this is the website I will absolutely recommend, visit concord supplies and don’t forget to get your 108R00723!
Monday, August 30, 2010
We had our Samsung TV for a long time and I’ve been in the United States for almost 5 years and our Samsung TV still in good shape except the one in our bedroom because the color seems not look good. We are thinking to get a new Samsung TV to replace our old TV in our bedroom. I saw the latest Samsung 2010 models at and all I can say, they are all great! I would like to own a Samsung LCD TV or maybe a Samsung Plasma TV with a smooth action. What you think? Which one you like the best?
shop online,
Dana riding on Cocao
This is such a cutie photo. Cocao was sleeping and Dana is climbing in the couch and sit on Cocao's back. I took the camera right away and took a picture of them. Dana is so adorable at this photo, she got that big cutie round eyes and she loves picture taking!
Go here!
Finding the right insurance is kind a confusing because they are many companies out there offer the same. Kind a hard to decide which one is right for you and for your family. If you don’t have insurance yet and you still thinking to get one, you might like to visit, they are your most trusted advisor… for life in this matter. They been in their business since 1972. Good thing is, you can compare rates and find the best insurance deals that meets your needs and budget. If your interested just go here and get a term life insurance quotes and rates!
Friday, August 27, 2010
scanner software
It’s been a long time I didn’t use our scanner. I get used to download photos in my digital camera to my computer. I don’t think we need a scanner software but I am sure many company or scanning service out there need a scanner software, so if you are looking for a document scanner software, I would absolutely recommend the diamond vision from Diamond vision is designed to increase profits for your scanning departments so why not try Dokmee Pro completely free for 30 days and see how the software works. For more details visit
Dana wearing the sunny outfit...
Dana wearing her sunny outfit. I made this dress last August 12, it really looks good on her. She was so adorable at this photo and the backless top and short fits her perfectly. Would love to make another one like this :-)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
car insurance quotes...
Three of our vehicle is covered by State Farm Insurance. I didn't pay our insurance this month yet, I will wait until next week for my husband's paycheck. So far we don't have any problem with it and we are happy for our car insurance. Our trusted agent is always there to help us, my husband is the one who contact our agent every time we have problem in our car or if we have any questions regarding to this matter. If you don't have car insurance yet, you better check, you can save $489 on your car insurance if you apply today. You can also get a car insurance quotes directly to their website and in just a few minutes, you will have car insurance you need!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
modern couches
When you live in a modern house, the furniture needs to be modern too right? The house we have is not a modern type but the setting is very nice, it just need to change the carpet and get a new furniture then I am sure it will be look like a modern type house. I saw a nice modern couches at and it caught my eye their amazing downlow fabric sectional and its color red! I love those couches it will be perfect to put in the living room! The Morpheo design sofa bed will be nice to put in the patio. So, If we have enough budget replacing new furniture will be the next thing we do. Will see…
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sunny outfit...

This is the sunny outfit I made for Dana yesterday. I like the fabric, nice color, it really looks good on my little girl. She looks very adorable with this outfit and I think I will make another one like this :-) Instead of jumpsuit, I decided to make a short and a top backless blouse. It's easier for me to make this kind of style because I don't need to put zipper or buttons. :-)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
International sounds
Guest post written by Jamie Kingston
I’m kind of a music snob, but that’s the first step to recovery, right? Well, anyway one of my favorite music-related things to talk about are international bands. So I use a lot of my time on the Internet watching music videos with English subtitles and looking up the literal meanings of lyrics in languages with which I’m not familiar.
See, I just don’t like listening to the music, I like to learn the context in these respective bands’ cultures in which their lyrics and music fit through an internet provider I found as a satalite internet special. That helps me better understand their message and motivation behind their art.
I’d say that my guilty international music pleasure is Rammstein, you know the German band that sang the songs “Du Hast” that was really popular and featured in the Vin Diesel movie “XXX.” They’ve remained pretty popular since then and have a long back catalog of music.
Another foreign, but very different band that I like is the French band Pheonix. Although a lot of their songs are in English, I still like to look up information about the band’s background and early career.
Monday, August 9, 2010
While browsing shoes and sandals online, I bumped to this website at They have great selections of shoes and sandals for both men and women. I love the rocawear nail head sandal. Very unique and I think that would be look good in my feet. I need a sandal where I can wear it anywhere I go especially when we go for a walk or going to the mall. I need a comfortable shoes just like the rocawear sandal. For more rocawear sandals and shoes collection visit!
Mad Look?
Dustin is really good in making his eyebrow moves. He did this in purpose and look at him, he is still good looking with his curly black hair. He got a weird looking here. Does he looks mad? hehe :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
I downloaded some of our new photos for this month of August and I would like to send a slideshow photos to my mother in law that way she can see all those beautiful photos of my kids. Thinking about slideshow, there are many website offer a free slideshow but the one interest me the most is the You can create a brilliant slideshows in minutes! they have great slideshow designs and can’t wait to try it!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The Emmys
Contribution by Stevie Kirby
The Emmys generally air live in September on tv through cable television deals around Boston. They honor the best in the television industry. The host and the presenters are different every year. The host is usually a nominee or someone from a nominted show. The Emmys are divided between Comedy, Drama, Made for Tv Movies and Mini-Series and each aspect of the shows are represented (acting, writing, directing, lighting, make-up, casting and wardrobe). The acceptance speeches have to be the best part because you never know what they might say and there are usually some surprises. For example, Kristin Chenoweth won for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy last year and her show wasn't on anymore and she gave a hilarious speech about being unemployed and listed some shows she wanted to do. Although, most people probably tune in to see what the stars are wearing and if they look good or bad. But, they have a habit of honoring the same shows and actors over and over again like Frasier winning Best Comedy 5 years in a row and Kelsey Grammer winning for Best Actor a few times. It is always a fun night for people who really love television and it is great to see the actors be themselves instead of the role they play on tv.
The sky is very dark today, Thunderstorm is coming. Thunder and lightning makes our dog nuts. They keep wining outside. I need to let them in before the storm comes. Dustin and I studying his mathemathics learning book and we just heard a loud thunder. Our dogs scared in that thunder, they are hiding under the table. Hope the rain will stop when Mike's come home, he will be here in a minute. It's already 5:00pm and since it's raining outside, maybe we will feed the dog inside here in the patio.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Saniflo Toilets
Would it be nice to take a shower and took a bath in a very clean elegant bathroom? My kids loves to play in the tub that’s why I make it sure that the tub is clean and shine. That’s one of the reason why we bought this house. The bathroom is nice and has tiles in it. Actually if we have budget, we would love to renovate our bathroom and buy a new Saniflo Toilet. Why Saniflo? Well, I love their style and you can find saniflo toilet at They offer an instant rebate and its free shipping over $195 orders you make. Visit now and find your Saniflo Toilet! If you register now, you can save $10 off of your second order over $100. Isn’t that a great deal?
Since I started shopping online, it makes me want to shop more! But I need to take it easy and not to spend much money because we need to save money for our vacation next year. I have two friends started their online home business and I would love to have my own online business too someday. I keep searching online about wholesaler that sells good stuff and I end up in website. Actually they have great stuff in liquidation and its very affordable too. This is a good website to shop especially when you start an online business.
Went to Filipino Store!
I really don't feel like going out today but then when my husband called and ask me what is my plan for the day and I say hmmm I'm not sure, maybe just stay in the house, watching tv and play my farmville hehe :-) then I remember, I need to ran to the Filipino Store to buy century tuna, sotanghon noodles and dried fish. So I get the kids ready and we went to the Asian Store. They are in their new location now at Parkwest Plaza, they just moved this month of August. It was a nice location and easy to find it.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Who want Freebies? As a mother of two, I always want to get a Free Stuff especially when it comes to coupons and free sample products. Online is the best place to get Freebie. Even in making layouts in my weblog designs, I usually get a freebies stuff so I don’t need to buy embellishments and scrapbook designs for the layout. That’s why I gave a very affordable price for all my designs.
Just like yesterday when we went to Walmart to shop. If I didn’t get Freebies coupons online, I am sure we won’t save anything. That’s the good thing of having a free coupons, that make you save more in your shopping. We need to save some money if we want to travel this year. So if you like to save tons of money then you better visit They offer a lot of free stuffs! Visit now and get your free stuff today!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A Movie To Talk About After It's Over
Posted by Darwin Garza
There's a good reason The Shawshank Redemption is the perfect date night movie. It's not a romantic comedy like most date night movies, but it offers something much more valuable. Romantic comedies are good for a few laughs during the movie, but after the movie, the conversation can die easily. There's nothing to talk about. My girlfriend and I watched The Shawshank Redemption on Direct tv last week and we had plenty to talk about afterward. This is an intense movie on some levels, but it's also poetic and rewarding. A man has a difficult plight, but finds the strength to deal with his situation. He has the help of an unlikely friend and this friendship proves to be beneficial for both parties. This isn't only in reference to escape, but also in regards to life. Both of them lost everything, so it's a friendship they both value greatly.
As far as after the movie goes, there's plenty to talk about. How did they end up in such a predicament? How did they manage to get out of it? How did they know to meet in the same place at the end of the movie? Another cool topic is the poster, which has become a famous scene. This is one of the few movies that both men and women have loved. It really does cater to all audiences.
Me and my kids moment...
Being with my kids are so much fun. They have great personality, Dana acts very silly sometimes and Dustin is a good boy, he is very friendly. They have a lot of energy as well as me! That worns me out after we play :-) This photo taken yesterday afternoon in our backyard. Love this photo! Mike is not in the picture, he don't feel like taking picture at that time.
medical assistance program
I remember the time when we went to Las Vegas, we’re driving our escape car. It went pretty well when we get there but when we drive going back to Grand Junction. Our car broke down in the middle of the road. It doesn’t have good reception on that area so we need to get some help that time. Mike walk few miles away to get a good reception so that we can call someone to help us to tow the car. But it doesn’t help because there’s no signal in that area. Good thing there are some good people stop by and offer some help. They also gave us extra water to drink. It was very hot and humid that time. That was 3 years ago and Dustin was 19 months old that time. It’s scary you know, you don’t know what will going to happen while your traveling. That’s why it’s better if you knew a medical assistance program that can help you when accident happens. When it comes to emergency assistance plus, I would recommend Good Sam at
Friday, July 23, 2010
This headache really makes me tired. I just want to lay down and close my eyes. I took a 30 mins nap this afternoon while Dana's sleeping. That helps a little bit at least I done the household chores and I did vacuum also for the day. I still have 4 assignments waiting for me. I still don't feel like making it but I don't want to lose those assignments, so I better get in my butt in the computer and finish the assignments before going to bed. It was kind a late now in here but I still have more thing to do. Chat with my classmates in highshools at facebook hehe :-)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Walk if you want to
Guest post written by Alex Wharton
Exercise is extremely important to me, especially now that I’m retired. I always like to work out early in the morning but it’s dangerous to go walk outside then with morning work traffic so I always go to the mall and walk around instead. At least with that way I don’t have to worry about wearing sunscreen or braving the elements except for my commute there and back.
The other morning I was walking around and saw a sign offering a hearing test. I had never really thought that I need a hearing aid, but it piqued my interest and I went into the center after reading some hearing aid reviews. Ends up I did need one, so I got equipped with one.
Now when I’m walking in the mall I can hear the little sounds I missed before of janitors mopping the bathroom floors, and store employees rolling up their stores’ security gate and lining up their merchandise on the shelves.
I guess mall walking benefitted my health and well-being even more than I originally thought!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Breckenridge lodging deals
Last September 2009, my mother-in-law visit us here in Grand Junction. She’s from Michigan, she stay for two weeks with us. We really had a great time! We went to Breckenridge downtown to walk around, eat lunch and do shopping. I really like that place, Mike always took me their once or twice a month when we still live in Silverthorne. I have a great OB-Gyne Doctor in Frisco. Mom bought a souvenir in one of the store in downtown, I forgot the name. All I can say, Breckenridge is one of my favorite place! I love to stay their for a week.
Since it was a year ago since our last visit in Breckenridge, I am looking forward to come back their again. I am sure my husband would love to visit Breckenridge again. If you are planning to visit Breckenridge, you can visit their website at and find the Breckenridge lodging deals. You can also check the Frisco lodging. For Breckenridge lodging information, visit their website right now and don’t forget to check the last minute deals! Enjoy your stay!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The outcome of the dress!
This is the outcome of the clothes I made. Mine needs a little adjustment in the back but I already fixed it. For Dana, it fits her well. She looks very adorable in that dress. I want to make some more just like that. :-)
Project for this week...
I finished the two project I made for this week. I use the same fabric. I sew a dress for my little girl Dana and one for me also. I'm glad it turn out well even though I don't have pattern. Thanks to Kathy for the fabric. It helps a lot! Now that I have more fabric, I can sew more clothes for Dana. I supposed to make a curtain using this fabric but I am kind a lazy to make curtain instead I end up making clothes for me and Dana. :-) How does it look!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Guardian income insurance
Have you heard the Guardian Insurance? I bumped to their website while I am looking for a guardian income insurance. They have a lot to offer from accident cover, funeral cover, income protection insurance and life insurance. It said their products are transparent, flexible and easy to understand and in a matter of minutes, you can get the insurance you need over the phone in a 2 easy steps. I think this is what everyone looking.
Nowadays having an insurance is very important. Life is full of surprising, we never know what will happen to us in the future. What if we got sick? or get an accident? are you sure you are fully covered with that? That’s why insurance company are there to help. There are insurance company that is confusing and hard to deal with and some are not. In Guardian Insurance, I am sure you have peace of mind after you sign up. Like what they said, there’s more to life, with Guardian so apply now and get the insurance you need! For more details visit or call 1-300-70-9560.
Nowadays having an insurance is very important. Life is full of surprising, we never know what will happen to us in the future. What if we got sick? or get an accident? are you sure you are fully covered with that? That’s why insurance company are there to help. There are insurance company that is confusing and hard to deal with and some are not. In Guardian Insurance, I am sure you have peace of mind after you sign up. Like what they said, there’s more to life, with Guardian so apply now and get the insurance you need! For more details visit or call 1-300-70-9560.
Keep waking up...
I keep waking up last night. Our male mastiff dog makes me nuts! He is very noisy, he is panting all night! I am not sure why because we let him out 2-3 times last night but he is still keep doing it. Maybe he is just being frisky. Well, too bad because our female dog won't be in heat anymore. I woke up around 2:00 am in the morning. Instead of going back to sleep, I just play my farmville online for a couple minutes and when Thunder started to calm down, I go back to bed and sleep.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Real World
This was written by guest blogger Krista Rhodes
I absolutely love watching "The Real World" on MTV. This is one of the best shows that has ever been invented. I watch the show every chance I get on the channels my best cable tv offers. I love this show for many reasons.
This show is great, because it exposes college students viewing the program to a variety of cities. It takes place in a different city every year. Because I am a college student without traveling funds, I find this show educational for the way it shows me the nightlife and culture of cities like Manhattan and Los Angeles. I also love "The Real World" because it is entertaining and filled with much drama. You will never hear someone talk about this show without mentioning the word "drama." The cast is always dating one another and ultimately tensions run high throughout the seasons. I love watching young people try to resolve their differences, basically without killing one another! MTV always picks people with completely different religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds and puts them together to live in a house for 6 months. It truly is fascinating to see how people bond with one another, despite their great differences.
The Real World is the best show to watch, especially for students that may be home during summer vacation or on spring break. There is nothing better than watching this show!
I absolutely love watching "The Real World" on MTV. This is one of the best shows that has ever been invented. I watch the show every chance I get on the channels my best cable tv offers. I love this show for many reasons.
This show is great, because it exposes college students viewing the program to a variety of cities. It takes place in a different city every year. Because I am a college student without traveling funds, I find this show educational for the way it shows me the nightlife and culture of cities like Manhattan and Los Angeles. I also love "The Real World" because it is entertaining and filled with much drama. You will never hear someone talk about this show without mentioning the word "drama." The cast is always dating one another and ultimately tensions run high throughout the seasons. I love watching young people try to resolve their differences, basically without killing one another! MTV always picks people with completely different religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds and puts them together to live in a house for 6 months. It truly is fascinating to see how people bond with one another, despite their great differences.
The Real World is the best show to watch, especially for students that may be home during summer vacation or on spring break. There is nothing better than watching this show!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
I don’t think the Kardashian sisters using this quicktrim weight loss system, if they does then the product really that works! I saw them on TV and sometimes I watch them on youtube especially Kim. She’s really gorgeous and sexy. Love the outfit and shoes she wear. Actually I saw one of the Kardashian make up tutorial in youtube and it was really nice. Would love to try one of their make up tutorial.
Talking about quicktrim, at they have this Kim Kardashian poster and look at her body? Isn’t that amazing? If you want to have a body like hers then better start buying quicktrim!
Talking about quicktrim, at they have this Kim Kardashian poster and look at her body? Isn’t that amazing? If you want to have a body like hers then better start buying quicktrim!
cellulite gels
I really wanted to have a flawless legs. I love it when my husband says that my skin is very soft. My legs is fine, not so hairy so I don’t need to have problem in shaving my legs all the time. I put lotion every day to make it more softer and I think that helps a lot. I still see some spots though just like the small scars in my knee. So you can’t really called it flawless. Unlike those celebrities that I saw on TV, they have really good looking legs.
Anyhow, I came across at this website at I envy the women at the header. She really got those flawless legs that most women adore. So if you are like me that wanted to have a flawless legs, maybe it’s time for us to try this cellulite gel! That way we can wear our bikini this summer! To find out the top 3 cellulite gels visit!
Anyhow, I came across at this website at I envy the women at the header. She really got those flawless legs that most women adore. So if you are like me that wanted to have a flawless legs, maybe it’s time for us to try this cellulite gel! That way we can wear our bikini this summer! To find out the top 3 cellulite gels visit!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The First Day of a Disney Vacation
Thanks to guest blogger Monica Holmes for the post.
Last summer my husband and I went on vacation to Disney world. As soon as we got our car packed we set our home security alarm that we got with home security cameras in South Carolina and headed to the Airport. Since my husband and I love flying, the plane ride to Florida was part of the fun of our vacation. Once we landed in Florida we had the magical express bus take us to our hotel. We stayed at the pop century hotel. This hotel was decorated brightly and had three swimming pools.
As soon as we got our bags packed we caught a Disney bus to Epcot. As soon as we got off the bus we headed to our favorite ride Soarin. This ride makes the riders feel like they are hang gliding over California. After we rode this ride twice we deiced to go to Epcot's World Showcase. We had dinner in the Germany section of World showcase. The food at the dinner buffet was excellent and my husband enjoyed some German beer. After dinner we found a spot by the water to watch illuminations. Illuminations is a fireworks display that Epcot puts off in the evenings. The fireworks were amazing, but by the time they were over my husband and I were very tired. We couldn't wait to go back to our room and get our rest for the next day.
Last summer my husband and I went on vacation to Disney world. As soon as we got our car packed we set our home security alarm that we got with home security cameras in South Carolina and headed to the Airport. Since my husband and I love flying, the plane ride to Florida was part of the fun of our vacation. Once we landed in Florida we had the magical express bus take us to our hotel. We stayed at the pop century hotel. This hotel was decorated brightly and had three swimming pools.
As soon as we got our bags packed we caught a Disney bus to Epcot. As soon as we got off the bus we headed to our favorite ride Soarin. This ride makes the riders feel like they are hang gliding over California. After we rode this ride twice we deiced to go to Epcot's World Showcase. We had dinner in the Germany section of World showcase. The food at the dinner buffet was excellent and my husband enjoyed some German beer. After dinner we found a spot by the water to watch illuminations. Illuminations is a fireworks display that Epcot puts off in the evenings. The fireworks were amazing, but by the time they were over my husband and I were very tired. We couldn't wait to go back to our room and get our rest for the next day.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Mesothelioma Disease
Each year there are thousands of people in the United States been diagnosed of this rare type of cancer, they called Mesothelioma. Most of them are men. How do they get this type of cancer? Well it said, if you been exposed to asbestos there is possibilities that you will get this cancer. Inhaling or ingested of the asbestos fibers can cause Mesothelioma. This is very rare type of cancer and 30 percent of those diagnosed are veterans.
If you are aware of this type of cancer, I bet you know how fatal it is if you got Malignant Mesothelioma. If you knew someone that has Mesothelioma, you might need a Mesothelioma Lawyer and guess what? You can get your Mesothelioma Attorney at You can also read those interesting stories of people survived for Mesothelioma. This is the answer you been waiting for on how does one survive mesothelioma. Visit now and get a free copy of the book!
If you are aware of this type of cancer, I bet you know how fatal it is if you got Malignant Mesothelioma. If you knew someone that has Mesothelioma, you might need a Mesothelioma Lawyer and guess what? You can get your Mesothelioma Attorney at You can also read those interesting stories of people survived for Mesothelioma. This is the answer you been waiting for on how does one survive mesothelioma. Visit now and get a free copy of the book!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
cissus quadrangularis
Have you heard cissus quadrangularis? I am not familiar with this word but it was very interesting to learn new things especially when it comes to treatments and medications. This is like a herbal plants, it said that cissus quadrangularis is a diverse plant that has been used for many purposes in general and has actually been used by multiple athletes. It also has been used with specific bone fracture healing properties. It helps you to speed up the healing of the body and skin. Isn’t that interesting? I need to find out more about this, if you are interested what is cissus quadrangularis is? just visit
She is pregnant!
I just find out that my workmate before way back in the Philippines and now she lived in Philadelphia is 5 months pregnant. This is her first baby and they will find out the gender this month! I am so excited for her! I know she really long to have a baby and now she will be a mother soon! The last time we talk, she is craving salads and fruits. I bet she gain a lot of weight because she eat so much. Well, that’s what happen when you get pregnant. It’s okay to gain weight when you are pregnant because the baby takes all the food you eat. After pregnancy, either you will lose weight or gain more weight. You can’t even tell but there’s nothing to worry about because there is women diet pills available in the market and if it doesn’t work then try the plan B, exercise and nursed your baby more!
My PR is back!
I was so excited because my page rank is back! Before I got PR2 and now It was PR3! Thanks to Mr. Google for giving me this PR. Lucky me! because today I got many assignments waiting for me. I almost ran out of words to say. Anyhow, since my little girl is sleeping, I was thinking to check my farmville and see if I have crops that needs to harvest. While I’m doing that, I am also watching youtube videos of Charice, I love watching that videos where she sang the Pyramid Remix! It was so addicted! I am one of Charice biggest fans now. I can’t get enough with all her songs. Love it all! Pinoy Pride!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Bluffton new home
Moving is not easy. We've done this before 4 years ago but I think we made the right decision. My husband got a job transfer here in Grand Junction area. Instead of buying our own house, we first decided to find a house to rent and stay for a year then if we like the place, we will stay here for good. Our house in Silverthorne was for sale that time and it takes about more than a year before someone bought our house. My friend also who live in South Carolina just moved two years ago and guess what? They moved in a nice place! She showed me their bluffton new home, it was really nice. I bet they are very happy to their new place! She also recommend me the Hilton head new home and Savannah New Home. There is also the Affordable Hilton Head Community and Affordable Savannah Community. If you are looking homes at this area, you might want to visit They offer free monthly e-newsletter and you can contact them if you any questions. Visit now and start find your dream home!
Playing farmville...
Yay! it's already 12 midnight and I am still wide awake! Everyone was sleeping and I think I need a coffee to drink to keep me awake. I still need to finish my last task for the day. I also need to play farmville and finish harvesting my crops. I just got a co-op job and I have 1 day to go to finish my job so that I can get a medal hehe :-) If you play farmville at facebook, please ad me up! I still need more neighbor! Have a great day!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Downtown girl
Guest post written by Cassie Jenkins
I’m a downtown girl. No, I’m not on the new MTV reality series called “Downtown Girls,” but like the stars of it, I dwell in downtown New York City.
Moving here was a dream of mine since my family and I took a vacation here when I was 12. It was so different than our lives in suburban Atlanta that I decided to move there right there and then.
Once I pulled together some savings after I graduated from college I moved there with two of my sorority sisters that also had aspirations of the City and we got a tiny apartment on our minimal budgets. That only made me more aware of getting the best deals on necessities that we needed like High Speed Internet and TV. So we did our homework like good college graduates and read about Internet TV Bundles that would help save us a pretty penny.
We narrowed it down and settled on the provider we have now. Now worrying about making it in the City isn’t so bad that we have enough extra money left out for drinks.
I’m a downtown girl. No, I’m not on the new MTV reality series called “Downtown Girls,” but like the stars of it, I dwell in downtown New York City.
Moving here was a dream of mine since my family and I took a vacation here when I was 12. It was so different than our lives in suburban Atlanta that I decided to move there right there and then.
Once I pulled together some savings after I graduated from college I moved there with two of my sorority sisters that also had aspirations of the City and we got a tiny apartment on our minimal budgets. That only made me more aware of getting the best deals on necessities that we needed like High Speed Internet and TV. So we did our homework like good college graduates and read about Internet TV Bundles that would help save us a pretty penny.
We narrowed it down and settled on the provider we have now. Now worrying about making it in the City isn’t so bad that we have enough extra money left out for drinks.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
A Match Dress...

The Pink Dress
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